
How to Take the Stress Out of Business Travel


For some people, traveling for business can be a breath of fresh air because it allows them to experience being in a different city or country, even if it’s only for a few days. The first few times you’re traveling for business can be very exciting because everything is new to your senses.

However, after a while, you’ll get used to the routine: you’ll pack your travel bag, head to the airport for your flight, meet with some clients, and then head back home. Over time, this routine can become less exciting and more stressful, especially if your sole focus is to get the job done.

When you’re traveling for business, you must sneak in a few moments to enjoy the location. Whether it be through walking along the streets, dining at the local restaurants, or joining your colleagues for drinks, what matters is that you take every opportunity to mix business with pleasure.

Besides, there are ways for you to take the stress out of your business travels without changing much to your existing routines. A few tips and tricks never hurt anyone. So, here are three smart ways for you to make your trip hassle-free and enjoyable, even if it’s originally intended for business alone:

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Lay of the Land

The worst thing you could experience in a foreign city is getting lost on your way to work, which can lead you to arrive late in meeting your clients. Of course, this is bound to happen to you sooner or later, especially if you didn’t anticipate the possibility of you getting lost.

To avoid this from happening in the first place, you can research your destination so that you can familiarize yourself with the lay of the land. This can include finding the best routes to get from your accommodation to your place of business and the food establishments that you can try out.

You might think that the best way to approach this is to cross the bridge when you get there, but there are certain things that you must always prepare for, and this one is included. Look up your destination and discover what landmarks you should keep in mind or how you can get from one place to another.

2. Take Advantage of Social Media and the Apps

using a smartphone

In an age where everything is online, it will seem foolish not to take advantage of the digital resources available to you. This can apply to using social media platforms and travel apps to navigate your foreign destination better, which is something that not everyone uses for their benefit.

Imagine if it’s your first time in Singapore and you don’t know how you can travel to your destination by way of train. Or worse, you get to the train station only to find out that it’s under maintenance. But if you had the means to access this information beforehand, your life could be so much easier.

To avoid this from happening, you can follow the leading local public transport operator’s social media platforms to get real-time service updates. For Singapore, for instance, follow the Instagram or Twitter pages of SMRT; you could also download their mobile app, SMRTConnect, for more details regarding their train and bus schedules, as well as suggestions on alternative public transportation methods.

A quick google search of your business travel destination will allow you to discover what apps and websites you can refer to for most of your transportation needs. This way, you won’t have to spend money and depend solely on taxis or ride-sharing services just to get around the city.

3. Remember to Pack Light but Smart

The last tip you can use to make business traveling less burdensome is if you’re packed for any occasion. Usually, your luggage will include business attire, undergarments, toiletries, and other travel essentials. But if you truly want to be prepared for anything, you should also sneak in a casual or party outfit, just in case.

Don’t pack any clothing that will take up too much space; instead, go for sleek-looking outfits that won’t cause you trouble, luggage-wise. At least this way, you’ll be ready to go out with your colleagues for a drink or two after the deal is done and you’re celebrating the success of your collaboration.

Also, remember to pack everything that you will need or might need while you’re out of town. This can include extra pocket money, identification cards, and your gadgets, to name a few. Never pack until the last minute because this will cause you to forget the most important things, like your charger or underwear.

Traveling for business can often seem like a large responsibility weighing on your shoulders because your company depends on you to close the deals. However, if you focus too much on the task at hand, you will only stress yourself out. So, let loose a little and take everything in stride. There’s no doubt that you’ll do a good job; be kind to yourself.

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